The Challenge Show

The Annual Queensland State Championships

The Qld Arabian Challenge Show…

was established in 1969 by the newly founded Arabian Horse Association (Qld.) Inc. The AHAQ is an affiliate of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd. (AHSA) which is the keeper of the Studbook of all Arabian Horses in Australia.

The Queensland Arabian Challenge Show is the premier Arabian Show in Queensland, our State Championships, has a AA Class rating, runs over three days and two nights and attracts entries from all over Australia.

The event is held at the Queensland State Equestrian Centre in Caboolture in south-east Qussnland, with a state of the art indoor arena that hosts the biggest equestrian events in Queensland.

The committee selects the most respected judges from Australia and around the world. The Challenge is one of the most well supported shows in this country by both Competitors and spectators alike.

Spectators are welcome throughout the weekend. Entry to the show is free and local visitors stop by to watch the action, see what the Arabian Horse is all about and offer a potential targeted market for our sponsors.